Why is Xontech Academy the right choice for training services?

Xontech Academy

When you’re ready to go through a new professional training on your own or with your team, the Xontech Academy center is at your disposal – as a one-stop-shop for a varied list (80 in number) of courses in areas such as Management, Leadership, Marketing, Sales, IT, Cybersecurity, Personal branding. We organize open and in-house courses. Moreover we adapt the programs to the need and scope of companies.

An important aspect when choosing training programs is the experience and professionalism of the trainer. We know this from our clients’ feedback. An important differentiator for Xontech Academy programs is that we have a team of internationally certified trainers. They have decades of experience as managers and consultants in multinationals, Fortune 100 companies. In areas such as cybersecurity, management, leadership are among the few in Moldova and Romania, internationally accredited.

For some programs in our list we offer internationally recognized diplomas.

❕Xontech Academy offers exclusively for the Moldovan market ➡ N.E.W.S.™ Navigation, multiple global award-winning leadership programs. N.E.W.S.™ Navigation offers a suite of coaching and training solutions based on the N.E.W.S.™ Compass that makes individuals, teams and companies thrive in times of change. Emphasizes 3 practical solutions applicable in real time to move from crisis, to crisis routine, to recovery.

At Xontech Academy you can also pass training programs of major European institutes – Cambridge Professional Academy.

And because every program you go through must also be implemented correctly, we also offer mentoring services from our internationally accredited trainers.

So, at Xontech Academy you have all the ingredients for complete, superlative training.

Check out our social media pages and course pages to see what our customers are saying.
