Performance Management

Management by objectives

The Performance Management - by Objectives course is for you if you are:

Line 2 Manager

Team leader

Project Manager


Offline or Online, ZOOM platform

Course format



Participation, "Xontech Academy"

Offered materials

PDF course support

Benefits of attending the course


You will understand the essence and importance of management in business;


Learn the 3 principles of successful teams;


You will learn how to set your goals and deliver a quality end product;


You will know the elements of the basic management cycle;


You will be able to set objectives, plan and review the project;


You will be able to deliver a quality end product according to specific customer requirements.

Training program


2 days


In total 4 sessions of 3,5 - 4 hours with lunch and coffee breaks. Two sessions per day.

Daily schedule:

9:00-12:30 and 13:00-16:30

Questions that will be answered in the course:

Join the course today and develop your skills for the future


    Ana Maria IonescuRegional Manager – Retail companies, BRD Iași
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    “Mulțumim pentru modul recreativ în care am petrecut cele două zile, pline de emoții și trăiri pure, dar și de conștientizare. Se spune că “omul schimbă locul”. Astăzi pot confirma că omul schimbă perspective și direcții… Un curs excelent, care ne-a captat, ne-a scos din zona de confort și ne-a permis să asimilăm noi căi de atingere a direcției în leadership.”
    Răzvan DabaL&D Specialist, Renault – România
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    "An exceptional training that helped me discover myself as a leader and connect with my leadership mission!"
    Marius HeranBrokers Manager, Signal Iduna - România
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    "I didn't feel like I was attending a class; I wasn't in the situation of a student who just has to learn something. These 2 days were a tremendous life experience! Thank you!"

    The workshop is highly interactive

    Each module is accompanied by Practical Applications and Case Studies. Day II is exclusively practical, to master the Management by Objectives Techniques. Gamification elements liven up the atmosphere and accelerate learning.

    Course speaker


    Master Trainer/Executive Coach

    He started his career as a team leader in Logistics in France. She has more than 16 years of practical experience as a manager in multinational companies at local and international Board level, in Sales, Marketing, Purchasing, Development.

    He has subsequently gained valuable expertise in over 15 years of consulting, training and coaching for more than 150 top multinational and local companies in various industries (Automotive, Robotics, IT, Banking, Electronics, Electronics, Pharma, Insurance, FMCG, Cosmetics, Tire, Furniture and Decoration), serving some of these companies in several countries (Greece, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Poland, Pakistan).

    In this capacity, he assists leadership teams to create, innovate and successfully implement their companies’ medium and long-term strategies. Through the programs delivered, Adrian supports strategic thinking, team synergy, engagement, innovation and sustainable performance.

    Adrian is invited on 4 continents as a Key Note Speaker at international conferences and in recent years has consistently achieved 1st place in audience feedback scores. He works as Executive Coach and volunteers as Business Mentor for student start-ups.

    With a solid academic background BA in Linguistics and MBA in Business Administration, internationally certified as an Executive Coach (ICF-ACSTH), as NLP Master (Richard Bandler – School), and as an expert in Customer Experience Management, Adrian manages to create a unique, challenging, transformative experience for participants, in the classroom or online environment.

    Adrian is Master Trainer for Strategy, Performance Management/MBO and Change Management, Leadership, Sales, Negotiation and Applied Emotional Intelligence.

    Program investment:

    (per participant) 

    Guaranteed ROI > 500%

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