How to keep your career going in times of crisis

Cum păstrezi cariera pe timp de criză

Any crisis period is full of challenges, fears, failures, but also opportunities that can change our professional life 180 degrees. That’s why we’ve decided to come up with some tips that will allow your career to flourish regardless of the local or global situation.

  • Keep your CV up-to-date and in several languages

To always be ready to apply for a new position in a local or international company, complete your CV with your current professional information and save it in multiple languages so you don’t miss out on opportunities as they arise.

  • Build your portfolio

Whatever your field of work, we make absolutely sure that you monitor the impact you have on the company you work for through your day-to-day work. Every personal result can be included in a portfolio of work that will later convince another employer of your expertise.

  • Be visible to companies and recruiters

Use social networks to promote yourself as a professional. Avoid controversial topics and racy pictures, instead opt for content that would interest a potential employer in your expertise and the impact you can have on their company. A well-managed account can get you job offers without having to search for them yourself, but also don’t forget to build some relationships with recruiters to receive real-time information about vacancies.

  • Study new things and get new certifications continuously

The 30-40 minutes you use every day for the new game on your phone or a new soap opera episode can be invested in studying a new language, reading 10 pages of an interesting book or attending a course that, in addition to accurate and useful knowledge, can give you an international certification in your field that you can apply for a job anywhere you want, and we are ready to support you with 70 training courses covering 8 different fields.

  • Find the jobs you really like

When you’re a valued professional with all the assets, you get more job offers to choose from, and being tempted by the numbers, you often opt for a less suitable but well-paid job than the one you really like, and this is a mistake, because professional and personal growth is only possible when we are truly passionate about what we do.

Work takes up too much time every day to be neglected and considered a ‘part of life’. Our quality of life and life itself is often deeply shaped by the team we are part of, the tasks we perform and the impact we have in a company.
