Coaching: Find out the 12 aspects of a balanced life.

Coaching: 12 aspecte ale unei vieți echilibrate

The perfect work-life balance is the subject of hundreds of books written over the past decades. This is because we live in a century of “partial attention”, driven by modern technologies that provide access to information from anywhere in the world, at any time.

Thus, coaching formulates 12 important aspects of a balanced life that should be on our sights when we feel too overwhelmed by the changes taking place globally to set intelligent goals that will contribute to our multi-sided development and a higher standard of living.

Here they are:

#1: Physical health

“In a healthy body – a healthy mind” is a phrase we often hear and yet neglect. Often, people sleep less in hopes of being more productive. According to a study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, those who reported sleeping between 5 and 6 hours experienced a 19% decrease in productivity compared to those who slept 7 to 8 hours, and those who slept less than 5 hours experienced a 29% decrease.

So, to be productive and make safe decisions for ourselves and the businesses we contribute to, we need to look after our health on a daily basis, not just at the first signs of illness.

#2: Emotional and spiritual health

Meditation is the leading practice recommended worldwide to reduce stress and contribute to individual emotional and spiritual health. Its effectiveness has been proven by numerous studies, which have established that:

#3: Financial health

Financial health requires individual bookkeeping, which allows you to analyze your income and expenses, but also makes it possible to plan your purchases in such a way that they do not cause you long-term financial stress.

#4: Relationship with family

Family is the main reason for our happiness, therefore any conflict that may arise strongly affects all aspects of our lives. This is why it is important to give our time and attention to our family members and build good memories together, resolving conflicts as quickly as possible.

#5: Relationship with colleagues

We spend a large part of our day at work, so we need to be mindful of our relationships with coworkers and resolve any conflicts that arise before they escalate in order to have a productive collaboration free of communication barriers.

#6: Your community

Communities enable us to contribute to multilateral social development through the experience, insights and knowledge we have accumulated. It is also very important for forming new relationships based on shared interests and aspirations.

#7: Your living environment

The environment in which we are, influences us a lot, that’s why it is very important to choose a favorable living environment for the direction of development we have chosen, because the atmosphere of the home greatly influences our daily motivation, health, mood and growth vector.

#8: Your working environment

The environment in which we work must allow us to perform our duties productively and safely. We need to feel comfortable and be provided with what we need in order to maintain our inspiration and long-term ambitions.

#9: Adventures

Every person sometimes needs a change. Whether that change is minor or major, it should break us out of the ordinary landscape and plan of the day and give us a fresh approach to our things and aspirations.

#10: Studies

Constant learning allows us to open any door because it is knowledge that eliminates the fear of failure and mistakes. By studying, we realize that we are able to find the solution to any risk. A good source of structured and highly relevant information are professional courses developed by specialists in various fields.

#11: Career

Career growth allows us to reach new heights and move up the social hierarchy. However, to achieve career growth we need more than just work experience. Leadership positions require managerial skills, diplomacy and the ability to keep abreast of change so you can pass it on to your team, and our trainers can help you do just that.

#12: Rest, fun and creativity

We must not forget about this aspect if we want to have a happy and active life. It is the little things aimed at having fun and developing creative energy that make the difference and allow us to feel truly alive.

Author: Veronica Melinti, Account Manager Xontech Academy.
