
The Polygraph course is for you if:

You want to be among the best trained polygraph examiners;

You want to learn from the best in polygraph;

You want to keep up to date with the latest research in polygraph science.


Online, Zoom platform.

Course format



Xontech Academy

Offered materials

PDF course support

Benefits of attending the course


The course is based on the latest polygraph research;


A certificate is awarded at the end of the training;



The course is realized with the new generation polygraph technique: Lafayette LX.

Training program


5 days of 2 sessions per day


In total 10 sessions, 3.5 hours each, lunch and coffee breaks included.

Daily schedule:

De la 9.30 – 11.30; 11.40 – 13.30 și 14.45 – 18.00

Course content:

1. Rights of the examinee

2. Ethics, standards of practice and regulations

3. Introduction to the history and evolution of polygraph credibility assessment

4. Polygraph system - hardware component

5. Polygraph testing - technical-scientific approach

6. Mechanics of instrument operation

7. Psychology

8. Physiology

Course suits you, but want more information? Request the course program by e-mail.


    R.B.Test beneficiary
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    "I enjoyed working with you. If I hear of anyone else in need, I will gladly recommend you"
    M.G.D.Director of components and energy company
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    "Alexander is a very quiet and very calm person who explains and not everyone does that. He is well prepared. I don't know when he had time to attend so many classes."
    A.M.Main shareholder in a consortium of companies producing building materials, machinery and energy.
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    "I worked very well with Mr. Dragos"

    The program is organized along the lines of the most modern polygraph schools.

    This program of study is a basic training, modeled after one of the most scientific and modern polygraph schools in the USA associated with Lafayette. This program is normally completed in a minimum of 200 hours. The above program will be presented in a schematic way over the five days and will represent an introduction to the polygraph technique.



    Alexandru Dragoș

    Psychologist, specialized in the detection of simulated behavior by polygraph technique.

    For 10 years has been providing polygraph examination services for:

    • companies/ firms for the purpose of detecting the perpetrators of theft, destruction, leakage of information, embezzlement or other damages.
    • companies/ firms at the stage of personnel selection for the purpose of verifying certain CV data and/or detecting certain vulnerabilities (gambling, substance abuse, theft or disclosure of confidential information from previous jobs).
    • companies/firms in order to detect employees who have provided confidential information, who have been contacted by competing firms or who have received various illicit commissions.
    • Polygraph examinations in criminal/civil cases.
    • Verification of statements of spousal partners.

    She began her career as a psychologist/consultant in the forensic, polygraph and voice stress detection.

    She has studies in Forensic Psychology – Assessment of simulated behavior by polygraph technique, at the Romanian Association of Forensic Psychology (A.R.P.J.), accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists.

    He obtained a Master’s Degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies and a European Master’s Degree in Forensic Science.

    Program investment:

    (per participant) 

    Guaranteed ROI > 500%

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