List of training courses for May

Lista cursurilor luna mai


List of training courses for May.

When you stop learning, you stop growing, but we all understand that growth is the key to success. Whether you’re a specialist or a leader managing teams you must always be open to learning new skills, new knowledge. Today’s specialist is tomorrow’s leader, whose decisions will have an impact on the business, the work environment and even on the lives of employees.

While it may seem strange to focus on studying now in the midst of recovering from an economic downturn, you need to realize that at the heart of any successful business is an executive leader who is adaptable, innovative and open to growth and change.

That’s why we continue to bring you the list of open XONTECH Academy courses planned for May.

B2B Sales. May 10 – May 11, May 23.

B2B sales have evolved dramatically over the years, especially since the dawn of the digital age. The days of cold calling and email correspondence are not forgotten, but the way we do business has changed a lot. Find out how to sell to businesses, what approaches, techniques to use to sell more and more easily.

Attend the Business B2B course and learn how to control the sales process better and get the desired result from your customers.

Trainer – Adrian Barbu.

Internal auditor for information security management system. May 23 – 26.

The certification course “Internal Auditor for the Information Security Management System according to ISO 27001”, gives you the opportunity to work as a Security Auditor, based on the certificate obtained at the end of the course, which is internationally recognized.

The purpose of auditing information systems and technologies is to provide reasonable assurance to the top management of the company that the risks arising from the use of information technologies are adequately recognized and properly managed.

The IT audit also has the objective of determining the level of compliance of information systems with relevant regulations and standards.

ISO 27001 is an international standard that sets out Information Security Management System requirements to enable an organization to assess its risk and implement appropriate measures to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information assets.

Acquires the knowledge necessary to implement an Information Security Management System.

Attend the course “Internal Auditor for Information Security Management System according to ISO/IEC 27001:2018”.

Trainer – Rareș Macarov.

Agile Methodology. May 23 – 24.

It is well known that programming or web development companies quickly create products and deliver them to customers. But how do even large organizations manage to develop a major project in a short time without too much hassle or bureaucracy? The answer is Agile, a new management approach that has revolutionized the software industry and beyond.

The Agile methodology is a way of managing a project by dividing it into phases. It involves constant collaboration with stakeholders and continuous improvement at each stage.

The ultimate value in applying the Agile Methodology is that it enables teams to deliver value faster, with greater quality and predictability, and with improved ability to respond to change. Scrum and Kanban are two of the most widely used Agile methodologies.

Learn how to apply Agile tools to get projects off the ground quickly and enjoy a high success rate by taking the Agile Methodology course.

Trainer – Daniel Marcu.

Request details about any of the courses at or +37362154242.

