Internal Auditor for Quality Management System

ISO 9001:2015

The ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Internal Auditor course is for you if:

You have knowledge of ISO 9000 series standards.

You are part of the internal audit team for the quality management system of an organization that is in the process of implementing and certifying ISO 9001 and/or is already certified.

You intend to provide internal audit services.


Online, Microsoft Teams platform.

Course format



TUV Certificate Austria Romania, internationally recognized, valid unlimited.

Offered materials

PDF course support

Benefits of attending the course


You will be able to plan, conduct and coordinate an internal audit of the SMC according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 19011;


Vei putea aplica abilitățile practice necesare pentru a efectua audituri interne eficace conform cerințelor ISO 9001:2015;


Vei putea efectua audituri la locul de muncă ce vor contribui la îmbunătățirea continuă a proceselor din cadrul organizației.

Training program


3 (three)


6 sessions of 3.5 hours with lunch and coffee breaks. Two sessions per day.

Daily schedule:

From 8.30 - 12.30 and 13.00 - 16.30

Course content:

Join the course today and become a Quality Auditor. Provide internal audit services.


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    "A perfect course. Exactly what I needed to work in this field. Especially that the trainer with international experience and everything taught according to standards"
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    "I really enjoyed the course. Now I am ready to implement a Quality Management System"

    The course is highly interactive

    Participanților care promovează examenul li se acordă certificat în limba română sau, la solicitare în engleză, franceză sau germană din partea TÜV AUSTRIA ROMÂNIA. Cel mai important avantaj al acestui certificat este acela că, pe baza lui, poți profesa în domeniul calității.


    Mihai Danțiș

    Certified Information Security Auditor;

    Trainer and information security professional with strong experience in teaching, implementing and auditing security standards for various companies. 20-year proven track record in project management, implementation and auditing of information security systems. Specialties: Auditing | ISO 27001 | ISO 20000 | ISO 22301 | ISO 27032 | ISO 27035 | ISO 27701 | ISO 31000 | GDPR | NIS | Sales of IT Security Solutions | Information Security Management Systems | Security Software & Hardware | Security Testing, Certified Trainer | organizing and delivering training courses. 

    Program investment:

    (per participant) 

    Guaranteed ROI > 500%

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