Emotional intelligence for leaders. What does it involve?

Inteligenta emoționala pentru lideri

A leader is defined according to the DEX as: leader, leader, chief or dominant personality of a group. Thus, we realize that the duties and responsibilities of a leader are to take the first step and lead the team, and this means taking risks, victories and failures together with the team, being that first match that starts the flame.

So what is the emotional intelligence of a leader?

In the post-Soviet space, the mentality has been maintained at company level that when you have a management position, you can afford more cutting phrases, more reckless behavior and unreasoned decisions, because these are covered by the position you hold, whereas the truth is that having a higher position, you can afford less, because the expectations of those around you are to be a better professional, more intelligent, to have a clear strategy and vision, to possess more information and to be able to reason the decisions you make at team level.

Because the modern leader is the person who daily demonstrates to the team why the team needs him and his expertise and how his actions contribute to the well-being of the company, and for this he needs to have an enviable control over his moods and emotions and also manage the moods and conflicts that arise in the team to create a favorable climate within the company.

What do you need as a leader to communicate effectively?

  • Competence

When a leader engages in a discussion with the team, their arguments should be based on their own knowledge, expertise and experience, but not on ambition, demonstration of status in the company and stubbornness.

  • Honesty

A leader does not hide problems in the company from the team, does not deny mistakes he may make and is transparent in the decisions he makes, even if this is uncomfortable.

  • Attractiveness

A leader’s dress, attitude and facial expressions should fit the situation and set an example to the rest of the team.

  • Argumentation

In order to truly influence the team, a leader always presents arguments why certain tasks should be performed and what the expected outcome is, in order to motivate the team to act on the goals set by him.

  • Communication skills and style

Assertive communication is a leader’s calling card and the most balanced communication formula is “Listen. Make it happen. Add” which involves getting to the essence of each employee’s activities, concretizing whether it has been understood correctly and giving both positive and negative feedback on tasks accomplished.

At the same time, when we talk about a communication style, the communicative “wardrobe” must be adapted according to the temperament, mood, age and experience of each employee, so that the feedback is understandable and close to the person receiving it.

We are proud of the leaders to whom we have been able to offer individual and group training services and are ready to provide ongoing training for effective communication and great results, because experience allows us to say that communication is not the key, but understanding!
